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How to Adjust HZS120 Concrete Batching Plant for Sale

HZS120 concrete batching plant for sale includes twin shaft concrete mixer, batching machine, cement silo, screw conveyor, belt conveyor, weighing system and computer control room. It can produce rich kinds of concrete and is short mixing time, which is widely used for large and medium-sized building construction, roads and bridges, commercial concrete production and prefabricated plants.

The theoretical productivity of the HZS120 stationary RMC plant is 120 m3/h. The power of the concrete mixer is 74KW. The normal capacity of the mixer is 3200L and the number of bins of the batching machine is 2-4.

HZS120 stationary RMC plant.jpg

The weighing range and accuracy of powder bin and cement silo is (0-1200)±1%kg. That of the additives is (0-50)±1%kg. The aggregate weighing range and accuracy is 4×2000±2% kg. The discharging height is 4 meter.

After installation, how to adjust this stationary rmc plant? There are some common problems.

1. The various parts of the new equipment may have incomplete fit and uneven surface load stress. Therefore, during the running-in period, the wear is severe and the rate is fast. During this period, the working load shouldn’t be too heavy.

2. There is insufficient lubrication of HZS120 concrete mixing plant equipment.

3. There are generally differences in geometric shape and size matching between the various parts of the new commercial concrete mixing plant. When the ambient temperature changes, the effect of thermal expansion and contraction will cause the poor fit of the originally tightened parts.

4. The operators are unfamiliar with concrete mixing plant structure and precautions, which is often the main cause of misoperation. To a certain extent, this can be avoided through professional technical training.

For these problems, Haomei Machinery, concrete batching plant manufacturer, has professional technical team to provide installation guide and training service.

Original source: https://www.haomei-machinery.com/a/how-to-adjust-hzs120-concrete-batching-plant-for-sale.html

Tags: stationary rmc plant    concrete batching plant manufacturers    hzs120 concrete batch   

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